Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Trailer Treasures

 A few months back I picked up this vintage post card from the 1940's for $1.00. I was immediately drawn to it because it depicts a very glamorous young women in a distinctly Florida natural setting.
The Nature Coast is really filled with wonderful scenery like this with Cypress trees and Palm trees growing right out of saltwater coastline. I could just imagine someone receiving this little jem in their mailbox one afternoon and thinking how exotic Florida must be. There really is something magical about living here and I am blessed every day to wake up and have a similar view.

Not quite the same pose, but similar setting
 Psalms 104 & 148

Monday, May 23, 2011

Bird Art

 Original Collages by The Aluminum Nest
If you haven't noticed by know I have thing for birds. I think they are really interesting creatures and I love to observe their behaviors. Since I am a mama bird with two chickadees of my own, I have collected or made many things over the years that have a reference to the aviary kingdom. Nests, eggs, feathers, birdhouses, birdcages and the like are little reminders to me of my faith, motherhood and my children. I wanted to share with you some of my art that I have been working on. These are two small 5x7 canvases that I decoupaged and layered with old penny post cards from the 1900's, stamps, wallpaper scraps and decals to create these little lovelies. The one on the right was inspired by the Serenity Prayer and the one on the left has the word hope a reminder from a favorite verse.

The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity to
accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the difference.

Psalms 62:5-8
Find rest O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him.
He alone is my rock and salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken...
He is my rock and refuge. Trust Him at all times, O people, pour out your hearts to Him, 
for God is our refuge.

Friday, May 20, 2011


It is the simple things that put a smile on my face. I love the fact that the girls wanted their umbrellas the other day when playing in the sprinkler. What imaginations they have! They were running, laughing and singing in the rain for a good hour.

Sunny With a Chance of Giggles

Sharing the Elmo Umbrella

Looking For Puddles

Water Table

Dirty Little Piggies

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Getting to Know The Gulf Stream

E is for empty. This is a good thing!

Maybe it is too soon in our relationship to talk about this, but this is the reality of living in a camper. There are certain down sides to my simplified life. Some involving smells, solids, liquids and gases. First let me explain this control panel. This is how I can tell how much black water, gray water and fresh water I have at any one time. Black water, for those of you who are wondering, is waste water and I mean that in a very literal sense. Gray water is waste water from the sinks in the camper. I have a small request if you come and visit me, please go number two in the main house and not in the Gulf Stream. If you have ever traveled on a bus or in an RV you know why I have this rule. Every couple days I check the levels on the control panel and then flush the camper.

Hook ups for gray and black water

 Pull gray lever and black lever to empty

 Step one in flushing out the tanks is moving the garbage cans out of the way. Step two is flushing the black water first and the gray water second. Then once a month I use an Oxi-Kem holding tank treatment to further cleanse the tank and prevent odors. I laugh at the prevent odors part, this product has its own aroma that reminds me of moth balls and Windex.
Water Heater and Pilot Light
 For hot water, I have two propane tanks and this water heater. Every so often I have to change the tanks and re-light the pilot light. I don't have a whole lot confidence in this set up. We have had the fire alarm go off and had a gas leak. I am very blessed that the girls were not around and I was not in the camper at the time. Needless to say, I shower in the main house and just wash dishes in the camper.
I must admit that the thought of all this makes me laugh and reminds me of National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation with cousin Eddie's RV.


Local fishing pier

The Bird holds the sun in her hand


The Bird

Almost gone
One thing that never gets old about living in Florida is sunsets. It is funny how when you live in a land locked city with a lot of trees you forget about watching the sunset. But since moving here, we have been trying to take advantage of going to the local fishing pier to get a glimpse of the sun's goodbye at least once a week. The girls love seeing all the different colors and they are always looking for dolphins in the distance. One thing I have always wanted to do is to see the sunrise on the east coast of Florida and then watch the sunset on the west. These are a collection of shots from different trips to the pier.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Trailer Treasures

I wanted to share one of my best finds since moving to Florida. I really enjoy going to thrift stores, antique shops, and garage sales. You never know what you will come across and someone else's junk can be a real treasure. I found this 1950 copy of Audubon's Birds of America for $2.00 at an antique shop a few months back. I love the green binding and graphic pattern of feathers on the cover. The illustrations are beautiful and the book has been great reference in identifying birds for the girls and I. On December 6 2010, a first edition copy of Birds of America was sold at a Sotheby's auction for $11.5 million, a record price for a single printed book. My copy does not have the original dust jacket and is worn in places. I found a few online for around $50.00. I am pleased with my discovery and love that I am using it all the time. Here are some shots of my treasure and some of birds that frequent our backyard.


Front Cover

Title Page

Swallow-Tailed Kite

Sandhill Crane


Little Blue Heron

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day

The Aluminum Nest celebrated Mother's Day with special guests. I was finishing up brunch preparations for Grandma when the girls and Grams spotted five manatees playing in the water. The most touching part of the visit was the mother manatee and young calf. Grandma did a great job getting some precious shots of the mama and baby together. They were rolling, splashing and chasing each other for about hour in front of the docks. It made me realize how special it is to be a mother and what a blessing children are. I hope your Mother's Day was filled with touching moments and celebrations for the special moms in your life.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Peepers the Duck

Feeding Peepers Oatmeal

The Bird asks questions

The Bird trying to pet Peepers

Peepers The Duck
 The girls are making friends in the neighborhood quickly. They noticed a little girl down river that likes to kayak and swim and they introduced themselves one day while she was paddling by. The other day she came by boat and she had brought her pet duckling, Peepers. The girls and I so enjoyed their visit. The duck followed them everywhere as they played in the yard.

Water for Peepers

Jules meets Peepers

Waiting for his "Mom"

Too Cute!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Bird Nest Treats

Nestled In and Logistics

View from front door


Dining Room, Guest Bed and Office

Powder Room
It has taken some time to finally get settled in, but the Gulf Stream camper is now feeling like home. The camper only measures about 6 feet across and is about 20 feet long. Everything I need is contained in its walls: a queen size bed, bathroom, kitchen, TV, cable, Internet, home phone, AC and heat. It is more like a bedroom and I treat it as such. Much of my actual daily living takes place inside the main house. And usually my evenings are spent in the camper. The girls do not stay or sleep in the camper with me. They have their own room in the house with my parents. This is not an ideal living situation but neither is moving back in with your mom and stepfather. We make the most of it and actually once the girls are put to bed it gives the rents and I privacy and a break from each other. Just a short walk through the back yard you'll find my Aluminum Nest.