Saturday, June 25, 2011

Gone Gator Gone

The past few months we have been watching a gator off of the docks in the backyard. In March we first noticed the 2 foot gator swimming by a floating dock at the end of the canal. The gator has been growing and has become more aggressive. Yesterday, my mom and I watched as the gator ate a raccoon and played with the dead carcass. My mom called the authorities and today trappers came to catch and remove the gator. Here is a play by play of the action!

The trappers used a recording of a gator mating call to lure it out.

The trapper then used a fishing pole and snagged it in.

The trapper used a pole with a loop to control it.

The gator measured 5'6" from tip to tail.

The trapper straddled the gator from behind and grabbed the jaws closed.

The trapper's wife duct tapes the mouth.

The arms and legs are tied up.

Me and the gator!

Dave and Lela with the gator!

The Trapper and gator

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Grandma's Flowers


 My mom is always gardening in the yard and loves to have a variety of blooms going continually.
Throughout my time here I have been taking photos of her handiwork and wanted to show you some of her beauties. It is hard not to look at the flowers and think of God and all He created. These photos call to mind a scripture. Matthew 6: 28-31


 And why do you worry about clothes? See how the lilies of the field grow? They do not labor or spin Yet I tell you not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will He not clothe you, O of little faith?


Peace Lily

Looks like three ladies in a row

Bleeding Hearts

So bountiful
4 o'clocks

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Pre-K Graduation

Before The Ceremony

Yesterday was a big day for The Bird. She graduated from her Pre-K school and will be starting Kindergarten in the Fall. I am so very proud of all she accomplished this year. She was a star at her ceremony singing, dancing and smiling. It was hard not to get emotional watching her walk into the church with that pink cap and gown on. I love my little bird and I am looking forward to see what kind of person she will grow-up to be. It is amazing how quickly she has grown-up!

The Bird happy to see family in audience

Singing with hand movements

The Bird with her Teacher Ms. Geraldine

Marching Out!

Waving Goodbye!

Thursday, June 2, 2011


Christian, Lela, The Bird, Brianna and Meebs

 Sometimes the best medicine in life is family. Being close to family has been a complete blessing to the girls and to me, at any moment a spontaneous play date can errupt.  Having built-in friends when you are new to an area makes the transition a lot easier. We have had a lot fun visiting our cousins at their homes over the past few months but I wanted to share some photos of them visiting us at the river.

Aunt Amber holding baby Reed for first taste of baby food from Mom (Aunt Krystal)

Christian and Brianna catch mullet

Uncle Mark and Aunt Amber takes cousins for a canoe ride

 Cousin Claire Bear

Little Mermaids

Lela and her mermaid tail