Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Pre-K Graduation

Before The Ceremony

Yesterday was a big day for The Bird. She graduated from her Pre-K school and will be starting Kindergarten in the Fall. I am so very proud of all she accomplished this year. She was a star at her ceremony singing, dancing and smiling. It was hard not to get emotional watching her walk into the church with that pink cap and gown on. I love my little bird and I am looking forward to see what kind of person she will grow-up to be. It is amazing how quickly she has grown-up!

The Bird happy to see family in audience

Singing with hand movements

The Bird with her Teacher Ms. Geraldine

Marching Out!

Waving Goodbye!

1 comment:

  1. She looks like such a big girl now.

    Congratulations Bird on your graduation, we love you.
    Aunt B
